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© 2011 East Boldre

Parish Council
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Community News

Volunteers Needed

New Forest Voluntary Car Schemes.

Since Starting this recruitment drive only three volunteers have come forward. If you have some time on your hands, why not become a volunteer driver for the New Forest Voluntary Car Scheme. Read more.

Community SpeedWatch

Too many drivers are speeding through the village.

Join Community SpeedWatch and do something about it. Read more.

Village Hall News

The East Boldre Village Hall Committee needs more volunteers.

We also need help cataloguing our ever-growing historical collection.

Can you help us? Please use our Contact Page to get in touch.

Safer Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Watch coordinators are needed. Read more.

Make your street into a No Cold Calling Zone. Read more.

Safer Neighbourhoods - Neighbourhood Watch

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East Boldre Neighbourhood Watch

Also in this Section

This page is NOT a replacement for the Neighbourhood Watch Service and residents should not rely on this page for urgent information.

Local Neighbourhood Watch Bulletins are no longer delivered door to door. Important NW issues are circulated as part of the East Boldre and Beyond Newsletter which is delivered by e-mail. You can read the latest newsletter and subscribe to the newsletter here.

Neighbourhood Watch plays an important part in making our community safer.

Working together with the police it increases public awareness of the need for security, reduces the fear of crime and brings a community closer together enhancing the quality of life of all residents. As well as getting information from the local police about crime in this area, it also relies on providing good intelligence to the police from observant residents.

Communication in this way keeps NW active in creating safer neighbourhoods. With the current neighbourhood policing initiatives in Hampshire, NW is an even more vital link in the chain of preventing crime.

East Boldre and the neighbouring villages of East End and Norleywood have active neighbourhood watch schemes.

East Boldre has a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator and two street co-ordinators.

They are:

NW Co-ordinator and St. Paul’s Church to School Fields Beat:

Russell Chaplin

Tel: 01590 612 136


Hatchet Pond to St. Paul’s Church Beat:

Heather Gregory

Tel: 01590 611 438


Norleywood Rd. To School Fields Beat:

Gina Antczak

Tel: 01590 626 368


Read about our local policing arrangements here.

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Don’t become the victim of a scam.

Modern con-men still occasionally knock on doors and spin you a convincing yarn but more often they use the telephone, the Internet and the postal service to work their scams. Read more on our ScamBuster Page.

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Rogue Traders are currently cold calling on the telephone and at the doorstep in the Andover, Havant and surrounding areas of Hampshire offering to supply unsuitable mobility goods, stair lifts, adapted showers and beds at vastly inflated prices. In some cases customers have been left with the impression that the trader is from Social Services at Hampshire County Council which is certainly not the case.

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There is too much speeding in this part of the forest. If you want to do something about it, why not volunteer for the Community SpeedWatch team. Read more.

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