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© 2011 East Boldre

Parish Council
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Community News

Volunteers Needed

New Forest Voluntary Car Schemes.

Since Starting this recruitment drive only three volunteers have come forward. If you have some time on your hands, why not become a volunteer driver for the New Forest Voluntary Car Scheme. Read more.

Community SpeedWatch

Too many drivers are speeding through the village.

Join Community SpeedWatch and do something about it. Read more.

Village Hall News

The East Boldre Village Hall Committee needs more volunteers.

We also need help cataloguing our ever-growing historical collection.

Can you help us? Please use our Contact Page to get in touch.

Safer Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Watch coordinators are needed. Read more.

Make your street into a No Cold Calling Zone. Read more.

East Boldre Community SpeedWatch

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East Boldre’s Community SpeedWatch (CSW) group was formed in response to local residents’ concerns over road safety due to speeding motorists. Speeding is also a significant factor in the deaths of commoners’ animals on the roads each year.

Community SpeedWatch is an educational scheme, not enforcement. It is Hampshire Constabulary’s first tier response to speeding issues.

The presence of a roadside SpeedWatch team encourages passing motorists to slow down. Where they are active regularly they have been shown to be effective in reducing speeding even when not present as locals modify their behaviour.

Additionally, the data gathered by the CSW teams provides factual information about the scale of the issue locally and provides a means of assessing the effectiveness of any actions taken to address it.

East Boldre’s Community SpeedWatch team is an active group of people committed to helping reduce the excessive speed related incidences in the village. It has been reinvigorated recently by the recruitment of eight additional volunteers and the purchase of new, lightweight speed indication equipment. They are still actively recruiting additional volunteers to increase the frequency of sessions and to cover a larger number of roadside locations.

Please see the East Boldre CSW website for more information or email  if you are interested in volunteering.

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