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Parish Council
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If you run a business in or around East Boldre or East End, you can publicise your services on these pages. There is no charge for this service. Please use our Contact Page to get in touch.

This business section is provided for information purposes. The web author and East Boldre Parish Council do not, by allowing local businesses to be listed in this section, in any way endorse those businesses or the goods and/or services offered by them. In particular we cannot take responsibility for:

  • the accuracy and/or completeness of any information relating to the listed businesses and which is provided by those businesses for listing, or their websites
  • the quality of goods, work or services of any of the listed businesses
  • any contract for goods or services you may enter into with any listed business.

Local Business Section - Goodall’s PYO Farm

Goodall’s Pick Your Own farm in Lymington will be open from 1st May to mid July.

As well as strawberries we will have raspberries, cherries, blueberries, new potatoes, broad beans and a small farm shop.

Open 9am to 5pm every day.

Find us opposite Elmers Court, next to Walhampton Golf Course.

Call 07967 344008.

100th Goodall’s Strawberries 1912 - 2012 Anniversary
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