Welcome to the first issue of Community Connect from the New Forest National Park Authority. We are keen to improve our two-way conversation with National Park communities and would welcome your ideas. These quarterly emails can act as a service specifically for communities in the National Park to share information between the parishes and to keep you in touch with National Park news. If you have some useful contacts, events, training opportunities, funding, examples of best practice or requests which you would like to share with the other parishes of the National Park, do please email us at communications@newforestnpa.gov.uk. We would also be most grateful for your feedback on our first issue and suggestions for future newsletters. Please feel free to use the information in any newsletters you may have. We would be grateful if you would forward this on to other organisations and invite them to sign up. Best wishes, The New Forest National Park Authority team |
National Park Governance
Local people will have more say in the running of the New Forest National Park, under new plans announced by Defra.
A pilot will take place in The New Forest for people to vote for members of their Park Authority, through democratic local elections. A proportion of all members will be appointed through this new system. Find out more.... |
Change of address
The New Forest National Park Authority will be moving offices in November.
Please make a note of our new contact details. |
Please give us your views on design guide
We would like your views on a draft design guide for the National Park. The aim of the guide is to achieve high standards of design in new development throughout the National Park while retaining and enhancing the distinctive character of the natural and built environment. Find out more... |
Funding for sustainable projects
Our Sustainable Development Officer is looking for projects to benefit the environment which might be eligible for funding.
The Sustainable Development Fund has £165,000 available this financial year.
Find out more... |
Meet the National Park rangers
The National Park has a new team of five rangers covering different areas of the Forest. They aer working with local communities to develop projects to benefit your area as well as being your first point of contact for the National Park Authority. |
Planning FAQs online
Find out all you need to know about planning applications - whether you need planning permission for certain developments, how to apply, and what you can do if your neighbour applies for planning permission.
For details visit our FAQs. |